CMG Laser and Renewal Center
CMG Laser and Renewal Center
8186 Lark Brown Rd, Suite 103
Elkridge, MD 21075
All procedures are performed by experienced physicians and nurse practitioners. CMG laser and renewal center is a division of Centennial Medical Group, We are located in Elkridge, MD across route 108 from the Columbia Restaurant Park and the Gateway Overlook shopping center. We are proud to offer treatments using the Cynosure Apogee Elite Laser which allows us to treat all skin types, including pigmented skin.
At CMG Laser and Renewal Center, we realize that unwanted body hair is a significant issue among both women and men. We are excited to offer laser technology that has been shown to permanently reduce hair growth in a safe, effective way no matter what type of skin!
How does it work?
The laser works by targeting and destroying the pigment in the hair follicle eventually leading to an 80-95% decrease in hair growth – permanently. The remaining hair, if any, is usually finer and lighter which many find more than acceptable. Hair that is very blond or white cannot be treated effectively.
CMG Laser and Renewal offers hair removal with two types of lasers. The Alexandrite or 755 laser works best on lighter skin types whereas the Nd:Yag or 1064 laser is a safe and effective option for darker skin types.
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[Centennial Medical Group]
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