Carroll Hospital Center
Carroll Hospital Center
200 Memorial Ave
Westminster, MD 21157
410-848-3000 :: From Baltimore 410-876-3000 :: TTY 410-871-7186
Laser Hair Removal and Skin Enhancements
For hair removal and treatment of sun spots, skin pigmentations & Rosacea effects
Skin imperfections and unwanted hair can make you feel self-conscious. Fortunately, there’s a safe, easy solution for any age and nearly every skin type. In just a few easy treatments, you’ll love how you look.
The Women’s Place provides the latest light and laser treatment technologies for non-invasive treatment of skin pigmentations and hair removal. We offer Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to rejuvenate your skin and laser medical technology to treat unwanted hair on most body areas. These gentle and safe treatments are performed by or under the direction of board-certified physicians, in a comfortable, clean and warm environment.
Skin Enhancement Using Intense Pulsed Light
Hair Removal Using LightSheer Diode Laser
Skin Enhancement Using Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
Photorejuvenation with IPL
Photorejuvenation using Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) offers dramatic improvement to multiple skin conditions to create younger and healthier looking skin. You’ll look and feel years younger. IPL treats a wide range of facial concerns safely and effectively:
* Broken capillaries
* Spider Veins
* Benign brown pigment
* Ruddy complexion
* Age spots
* Sun spots
* Freckles
* Mottled pigmentation
* Rosacea
How does IPL work?
Blemishes from broken blood vessels and brown spots of pigment from sun damage respond to Intense Pulsed Light. The light is changed to heat energy as it reaches to the collagen beneath the skin surface.
How is IPL performed?
A cold gel is applied to the area to be treated. You will be given dark glasses to protect your eyes from the bright light. The practitioner gently applies the IPL handpiece to your skin and applies pulses of light. You may feel a slight stinging sensation like the gentle snapping of a small rubber band. Each treatment takes about 20 minutes and patients achieve the best results with a series of treatments.
Fast results with minimal side effects
Treatments are fast, involve very little discomfort and do not require anesthesia. Side effects following treatment are minimal, often causing only a slight reddening or swelling near the treated area thatdisappears within a few hours of the treatment. Prior to beginning any type of IPL and laser treatment, you and your practitioner will discuss the possible side effects ofthe procedure.
For more information or to schedule an IPL treatment, call 410-871-6161.
Hair Removal Using a LightSheer Diode Laser
Laser hair removal is an effective solution to end the discomfort and inconvenience of the usual methods of hair removal, such as plucking, waxing, chemical depilatories or electrolysis. Our laser is a state-of-the-art system specially designed to remove unwanted hair quickly, reliably and with minimal discomfort.
How is the treatment performed?
The laser emits pulses of concentrated light that is absorbed by pigment found in your hair follicles. The pulse lasts only a fraction of a second, just long enough to heat the hair and impede the follicle’s ability to regenerate. The process treats numerous follicles simultaneously, enabling treatment of even large areas quickly and effectively.
Safe and effective for all skin types
An important part of the treatment process is cooling the skin with a special contact-cooling handpiece to protect the upper layer of skin while the hair root is heated. It allows even the most sensitive skin to be treated safely. Treatment may cause some mild discomfort and may result in temporary redness and swelling around the hair follicles. Most patients return to normal activity right away.
Multiple treatments achieve maximum results
Laser treatments may last from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the area to be treated. Several treatments provide optimal results as hairs in an active growth phase are most affected, and not all hairs are in this phase at the same time.
For more information on laser hair removal or to schedule an appointment, call 410-871-6161.
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