Chesapeake Surgical Associates
Chesapeake Surgical Associates, LLC
2009 Tidewater Colony Drive
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Phone: 410.571-9499
Fax: 410.571.6486
Chesapeake Surgical Associates, LLC
2009 Tidewater Colony Drive
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Phone: 410.571-9499
Fax: 410.571.6486
Laser hair removal is the most effective method for rapid, gentle removal of unwanted hair. It achieves permanent hair reduction by using light energy to eliminate the hair follicle during the growth phase.
ALEXANDRITE LASER with DCD (Dynamic Cooling)
FDA APPROVED for long term hair reduction, Alexandrite laser has become the "state of the art" laser when used in conjunction with a long-term maintenance program for the removal of unwanted hair. Our Alexandrite laser features a DCD (Dynamic Cooling Device), that literally freezes the skin using cryogen just milliseconds before the laser pulse is fired. The result is less pigmentary side effects and increased patient comfort.
Hair Removal How Permanent Is It?
Although no procedure on the market today removes unwanted hair permanently in a single treatment, the Alexandrite laser has been very effective for the long term removal of unwanted hair provided the patient adheres to a planned treatment program (PTP), which usually requires 3-5 initial treatments, and a periodic maintenance treatment (every six (6) months to a year depending on the patient's own hair re-growth cycle).
Treatable Areas
Virtually any body area can be effectively treated for the removal of unwanted hair with the Alexandrite laser. The most common body areas treated are as follows:
* Facial (including upper lip and chin)
* Underarms
* Bikini lines
* Legs
* Back and shoulders
Skin Type and Hair Color Factors
Some people are not candidates for laser hair removal. These individuals include people whose skin is dark (by origin) or tanned. Blond haired people are usually not considered good candidates for laser hair removal.
Skin and hair pigmentation are the main reasons people are ruled out for treatment. In the case of people whose skin is dark or tanned, laser light energy has a tendency to be absorbed by the skin resulting in hypo-pigmentation. Some practitioners, however, are experiencing favorable results with mildly pigmented skin types by using less energy during each treatment and increasing the number of total treatments (PTP). For those patients who posses a mild to dark tan, the Physician may prescribe medication designed to suppress the body's production of melanin prior to treatment.
©2006 Chesapeake Surgical Associates
