Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center
Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center
8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 210
Chevy Chase , Maryland 20815
phone: 240-482-2555
Reduce Unwanted Hair Forever!
The Light Sheer Diode Laser and the Nd Yag Laser are FDA-approved laser therapies for permanent hair reduction, and are the most advanced treatments for the removal of unwanted hair for both men and women of all skin types and tones. The lasers remove more hair in a shorter time with less pain and higher reliability than any other hair removal techniques including plucking, shaving, waxing, depilatory creams--even electrolysis. The light emitted by the lasers are absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicles, vaporizing the pigment and disabling several follicles at a time. This procedure eliminates or significantly impedes growth. Dr. Eric Finzi and Associates provide this safe, effective hair removal treatment for any area where visible hair is not wanted including face, legs, bikini area, underarms, neck, abdomen, chest, back, or shoulders.
Come in for a complimentary cosmetic consultation with a member of our dermatology team to see if the Laser Hair treatment is right for your skin type. Call 240-482-2555 for an appointment in Chevy Chase or 301-345-7375 for Greenbelt today!
Copyright (c) 2010 Dr. Finzi & Associates
