Dr. Aimee Seidman and Dr. Marcia Goldmark
Dr. Aimee Seidman and Dr. Marcia Goldmark
15020 Shady Grove Road
Rockville, MD 20850
Telephone: (301) 545-1811
Fax:(301) 545-1814
We consider your health and well-being our priority. Our medical practice is committed to your care. We have a smaller, more personal practice utilizing what is known as a retainer, concierge or boutique style. This innovative approach provides you with many benefits. By limiting the number of patients we serve, we are able to give each patient extraordinary access to his or her personal physician. We do not contract with any outside parties that influence your medical care.
For a flat annual fee, you will receive quality care, convenience, personal communication, and compassion.
Candela Laser Hair Removal
We are confident in our state of the art laser and in what our results have proven. We have the most effective laser out there. It is FDA approved for permanent hair reduction. We can effectively treat all skin types with a built in coolant system. Candela GentleLASE Plus can treat you comfortably, safely and effectively.
Price List (Laser Hair Removal per session)
Bikini $250.00
Brazilian $350.00
Neck front & Back $200.00
Ears/Nose $125.00
Upper Lip
Sides burns $125.00
Under arms $200.00
Forearms $300.00
Full Face $300.00
Upper Legs $500.00 and Up
Lower Legs $400.00 and Up
Back $500.00 and Up
Shoulder $250.00 and Up
For a complete pricelist please call out office at (301) 545-1811. Prices subject to change without notice.
For a complete pricelist please call out office at (301) 545-1811. Prices subject to change without notice.
To schedule an appointment or get more information about our Laser Hair Removal services please call Madona at 240-388-4720.
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